Sunday, 10 April 2011

Working in the garden

We have had some glorious weather over the past few days making it feel more like summer than spring. I've been able to make the most of it and catch up on some jobs in the garden.

The shed and beehive composter have had a coat of 'Wild Thyme' paint


Seedlings have been potted on

New flowers have appeared
Mysotis 'Blue Tower'

Brunnera 'Jack Frost'

Erysimum helveticum
Flowers were picked for a jug


I spotted the first butterflies; Peacocks (Inachis io), Orange-Tip (Anthocharis cardamines) and a small unknown blue.


  1. Hi,

    Lovely, there's nothing more satisfying than having enough blooms to put in your own arrangements. I 'borrowed' some Lilacs from my neighbours shrub that borders out gardens, they will add their perfume to my carnations and various other plants I have in arrangements.

    I must get some forget-me-nots in on the action, I'd never considered them indoors.

  2. What a lovely weekend and what beautiful flowers.

    We've waited a long time for this haven't we?

    xo jane

  3. Hi Liz, the forget me nots last about a week in a vase.

    Hi Jane, We have waited a long time. I'm glad its here.
