Lots of wind and rain this week making the garden look a bit battered.
The seeds I sowed on 22 July have all come up, I pricked them out. I've sown more seeds:
- Scabious border mixed
- Centaurea dealbata, a perennial cornflower
- Nigella papilllosa 'Musical Prelude', this has blue and white flowers. I don't normally like more than one colour in a pack but I thought these would be ok.
- Catanache caerula
- Ammi Majus 'Queen of Africa'
- Cenolophium denudatum, a cow parsley type flower
- Aquilegia vulgaris 'Ruby Port'
- Aguilegia clematiflora 'Green Apples'
I think that will be it until Spring, I don't have space for any more.
Jug of garden flowers |
My cutting plants are going over. I managed to have enough for a jug today. I bought an Antirrhinum from a Farmers Market along with a bright pink Cosmos. I hadn't been able to make up my mind whether to grow them. I have used both in this jug. I will grow some of the pink Cosmos next year.
The Sweet Peas are covered in greenfly. Fortunately this little chap and his five friends are munching on them.
Ladybird on sweet pea |
The seedlings I dug up at from the Environmental Centre have turned out to be Lemon Balm not Mint. I am pleased about this but have discovered that it is as thuggish as Mint. I am not sure where it is going to be planted. I will dig up some mint next time I go.
Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus' |
This Echinacea has been in my tiny front garden for a couple of years but it has never looked as it good as it does now. Lasts well in a vase.
Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' in late summer |
Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' in winter |
Another favourite plant is this shrub, Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'. It has large creamt flower heads which dry to a lovely beige colour and last throughout winter.
As plants go over, I am collecting seed heads for winter. I have poppies, nigella and echinops hanging up in the garage.